
"I strongly believe that for leadership workshops to have tangible impact, we must provide highly relevant content in a psychologically safe atmosphere that enables real engagement with the material.

To do this, we prioritize offering a wide variety of concurrent sessions, all led by professional Asian-heritage trainers. This approach gives each attendee a broad choice in where to invest their time to maximize impact for them, while also ensuring that workshop sizes are small enough to support a rich interactive environment.

This is not a typical conference; this is a learning experience that is custom-designed for you, by you."

Paraag Maddiwar
Director of Professional Programming

Morning Workshops

2.5 hrs, mornings

The morning workshops are designed to be highly immersive learning experiences, focused on specific audience segments (early career, mid+ career, senior manager, ERG leader, etc) with content specifically relevant to API professionals.

All workshops are led by Asian-heritage professional training partners.

Afternoon Workshops

75 min, early afternoons

While shorter in length, the afternoon workshops maintain our approach towards delivering sessions that are immersive.

These sessions will often feature topics that of interest to a broader audience as well as a few that are more leadership "adjacent". 

Executive Panels

60 min, late afternoons

Our executive panels feature 3 senior executives from different organizations and are moderated by our professional training partners. Topic areas are curated by SASE and selected by our Asian ERG Network.

By design, our executive panels are unsponsored to ensure the audience hears from a diverse spectrum of experiences.